Editorial Board of the Academic Notes from the French Academy of agriculture - Comité éditorial des Notes académique de l’Académie d’agriculture de France, Notes académiques de l'Académie d'agriculture de France / Academic Notes from the French Academy of Agriculture (N3AF), 17(4), 1-3. https://doi.org/10.58630/pubac.not.a123749
Editorial Board
Sylvie Alexandre: honorary general engineer of bridges, waters and forests, chair of the milk working group of the Observatory of Prices and Margins in Agriculture, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 2).
E: sylvie.alexandre1212@gmail.com.
Bernard Ambolet: former director of scientific affairs at Bayer CropSciences France, consultant in agronomy, plant protection and environment, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 9).
Pere Arús: researcher emeritus of IRTA, at the Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB (CRAG), associate member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 1).
Catherine Aubertin: research director at the Institute of Research for Development, IRD,
correspondent for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol at IRD, member of the editorial board of the journal Natures Sciences Sociétés, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 7).
Guilhem Bourrié: honorary research director at Inrae, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 5).
Paul Brassley: honorary university fellow of the University of Exeter.
Yves Brunet: research director, INRAE Bordeaux, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 7).
Roisin Burke: professor at Technological University Dublin, Ireland.
E: roisin.burke@TUDublin.ie
Philippe Chemineau : emeritus research director INRAE, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 3)
E: Philippe.Chemineau@inrae.fr
Noëlle Dorion: president of the POPAM Section of the CTPS, honorary professor, Institut Agro Angers, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 1).
E: n.dorion@orange.fr
Michel Dron: emeritus professor of the University of Paris Saclay, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 1).
Mylène Durand-Tardif : research director INRAE, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 6), former Research Director at INRAE, plant biology and breeding.
Christian Ferault: honorary research director at INRA, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 10).
André-Jean Guérin: honorary general engineer of bridges, waters and forests, former DDAF of the Var, general delegate of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation, member of the EESC, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 4).
Malcolm Hadley: member of the secretariat of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 2).
Maria Halamska: professor at the Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences, head of the Department of Rural Sociology.
Bruno Hérault: head of the Center for Studies and Forecasting, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, scientific advisor to Futuribles International, member of the College of Foresight, member of the French Academy of agriculture (Section 8).
Philippe Kim-Bonbled: general inspector of Veterinary Public Health at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, member of the French Academy of agriculture (Section 6).
E-mail: philippe.kim-bonbled@academie-agriculture.fr
Gilles Lemaire: honorary research director at INRA, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 5).
Nicole Mathieu: former director of the STRATES laboratory, University of Paris 1/CNRS, former deputy editor of the journal Natures-Sciences-Sociétés, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 7).
Marie-Claude Maurel: honorary director of studies at the EHESS, member of the Centre for Russian, Caucasian and Central European Studies, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 4).
Jean-Claude Mounolou: honorary professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 6).
Alain Pavé: emeritus professor of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, member of the Académie des technologies, member of the Sigma-Ksi Scientific Research Society (USA), member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 6).
Jean-Marie Pierre-Guy: consultant, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 10).
Agnès Ricroch: adjunct professor at Pennsylvania University, USA, lecturer at AgroParisTech, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 6).
Michel Rieu: member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 3).
Douglas N. Rutledge: professor of Analytical Chemistry and Chemometrics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Paris-Saclay, France, National Museum of Natural History, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia
E: douglas.rutledge@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Philippe Schmidely: professor of animal science, AgroParisTech, University of Paris-Saclay, France, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 3)
E-mail: Philippe.schmidely@inrae.fr, philippe.schmidely@agroparistech.fr
Jean-Marie Seronie: president SAS Champs d'avenir, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 10).
Paulo Jose do Amaral Sobral: professor of Food Physical Chemistry, University of Sao Paulo, Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, Brazil.
E: pjsobral@usp.br
Patrick Svensson: professor of Agrarian History, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; President of the European Rural History Organisation (EURHO).
Hervé This: physico-chemist at INRAE, director of the AgroParisTech-Inrae International Center for Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, consulting professor at AgroParisTech, scientific director of the Science & Culture Food Foundation (Academy of Sciences), member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 8).
E: herve.this@inrae.fr
Sophie Villers: president of the Public Management and State Reform section at the CGAAER, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 8).
Charles Vincent: entomologist, scientific consultant, vice-president of the International Society for Pest Information (ISPI), member of the Working Group on Organic Agriculture, member of te French Academy of agriculture.
Nadine Vivier: emeritus professor in Contemporary Rural History, member of the French Academy of agriculture (section 4).
Secretarial editors:
Yves Brunet,
Noëlle Dorion,
Hervé This,
Nadine Vivier.
Editorial Board of the Academic Notes from the French Academy of agriculture - Comité éditorial des Notes académique de l’Académie d’agriculture de France, Notes académiques de l'Académie d'agriculture de France / Academic Notes from the French Academy of Agriculture (N3AF), 17(4), 1-3. https://doi.org/10.58630/pubac.not.a123749.